7. Proposals
7.5. Item Details Tab
7.4. Install Tab
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7.6. Purchase Orders Tab
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7.5. Item Details Tab

Item Details Tab

The Item Details tab is where you create the line items of your proposal. Line items can be entered manually, imported from a specification tool (CAP, Worksheet, Project Matrix) and they can be copied from another proposal. After all the line items have been created on your proposal, you must run the Proposal Finalization process by clicking on the Finalization icon. The Finalization process performs several checks on your proposal setup and line items and will alert you to any possible problems detected. This process also is where your sales tax rules are applied, direct bill invoice settings are defined and any vendor miscellaneous fees are applied. Once your proposal has passed the Finalization process, the Print and Email/Fax terminal icons will be available. If you edit a line item after the Finalization process, your proposal will automatically return to an unfinalized state so the edits can be checked again. you can finalize and unfinalize your proposal an unlimited number of times. If a line item has been ordered (exists on a purchase order) that line item will not be considered in the finalization process.

Image ProposalsItemDetailsTab.JPG

Item Details Tab Icons

Field Description
Add a line item Click on this icon to manually enter a line item, the Create a New Line Item window will open allowing you to enter your line item data
Delete selected line items Click on this icon to delete the selected line items from your proposal. To select line item, click on the selection check box to the left of the item quantity field. The line item delete function can not be reversed. Once a line item has been deleted it cannot be retrieved - it must be re-entered or imported again
Toggle selected line items between Active & Inactive Click on this icon to make a line item or items inactive. Inactive line items appear on the Item Details tab grayed out (not bold like active line items). Inactive line items are not considered in proposal finalization, are not considered in the proposal's totals, will not appear on the customer's proposal and cannot be ordered. This option should be considered before deleting a line item, or it can be used for staging your proposal data to your customer. Line items must be selected before they can be made active or inactive. Selecting an inactive line item and clicking this icon will return the line item to an active state.
Create & edit proposal groups Click on this icon to create group names for your proposal. You can create as many groups as you like. Line items can then be added to the groups you create to visually segment your proposal. Groups can be deleted as well. When deleting a group, only the group name is deleted. Any line items that are part of that group will remain on your proposal.
Add a new comment line Click on this icon to add comment lines to your proposal. Comment lines created with this function will appear at the top of your proposal line items. Proposal comments can be assigned to print on the proposal only, all vendor purchase orders or on a specific vendor purchase order. Comments can be edited and deleted from the proposal.
Import items into this proposal Click on this icon to import line items from a specification file (CAP, Worksheet, Project Matrix), or to copy line items from an existing proposal. Importing line items from a specification file is discussed later in this section.
Import work orders Click on this icon to import completed work orders. Once a work order has been marked as complete, the work order must be imported into the proposal as a line item to be proposed to your customer. Work orders are discussed in detail later in this section

Additional icons will be displayed after line items have been added to your proposal as discussed below.

Add a new line

Image ProposalsItemDetailsNewLine.JPG

Field Description
Vendor Enter the first few characters of the vendor name, any matches found in your vendor database will be displayed in a drop down selection box. Select the vendor by clicking on the name in the selection box.
Ship To This field will be populated with the vendor that was entered in the Ship To Location field on the Install tab if it was completed. The example above shows the Ship To as Test Customer 3 because Test Customer 3 was entered as the Ship To Location when the the proposal was created. If this field is empty, enter the first few characters of the Ship To vendor name, any matches in your vendor database will be displayed in a drop down selection box. Select the vendor by clicking on the name in the selection box. This field can be changed here if a particular line item needs to be shipped to a location other than that defined in the Ship To Location on the Install tab.
Product/Service Select the Product/Service of this line item. In most cases this will be your default product (General Furniture). It may also be Installation Services, Design Services, or vendor miscellaneous fees. Products and Services are discussed later in this section. Products and Services can be defined by vendor in the Vendor database as well as in System Configuration.
Item Number Enter the product part number or product number. This is the item number from either a paper or electronic catalog that identifies the product your are ordering.
Item Tagging You are allowed to enter up to 3 item tags per line item. Item tagging fields are used differently by the various manufacturers. You can enter up to 3 item tag fields.
Item Description Enter your product description here. This is where you enter your fabric and finish codes (for manual line items)
Quantity Enter the quantity to order
Item List Price Enter the list price of the line item
Discounting Enter your buy discounting here, this is the discount that you are purchasing the product.
Item Cost If you entered a list price and a buy discount, the Item Cost field will automatically be calculated for you. Otherwise, you can enter your item cost here.
GP Margin or % Discount Off List Enter your GP percentage to be used to calculate the sell price or enter a discount percentage to be calculated off of the list price.
Item Sell Price If a cost and GP or percentage off of list has been entered, the Sell price will be calculated for you, otherwise enter your sell price here.
Save Click on the Save button to save your line item details and you line item will be added to the Item Details tab as a proposal line item.

As you enter the pricing information on your line item, the right side of the window will update with the Extended Cost amount, Extended Sell amount and will display your Profit dollars and the calculated GP percentage. You can also apply a customer or vendor discount to this line item here as well. If discounts have been entered in the Vendor or Customer databases for this vendor or product, the discount will be applied to the product line. You can change the applied discount by clicking on the [Change] link below the Discount information.

Proposal Line Items

Image ProposalsManualLineItem.JPG

After saving your line item, the Item Details window will update to display the added line item as well as several additional Item Details icons that can be used for working with your proposal.

Icons Available After Line Items Are Created

Icon Description
Export items from this proposal This option allows you to export your proposal line items to a spreadsheet. After clicking on this icon, the Export Items From Proposal window will open. The default option is to export the line items to a spreadsheet file. If a vendor electronic order template file has been loaded for any of the vendors appearing on this proposal, you will also have the option to export the line items in the electronic order format. Click on the Export button to export the line items and you will be prompted to open or save the file. You can view the file or save it to a local disk drive.
Function Menu The function menu provides access to several additional functions that allow you to manipulate your proposal data. The Function menu details are listed below.
Summarize line items Click on this icon to open the Proposal Summary window. This window gives you a snapshot of the totals of your proposal. The products are listed by vendor, by product. To return to the Item Details tab, click on the <-- Back link.
Finalize proposal Click on this icon to run the proposal finalization process. Proposals must be finalized before you can print, email or fax them.

Function Menu Options

Image ProposalsFunctionMenu.JPG

Function Menu Options Description
Discounting This option allows you to change the purchase discount on selected line items. After entering your purchase discounting and clicking on the Update button, the selected line items will be updated with the discounting you entered here.
Change Discount ID This option allows you to add or change the customer or vendor discount. You will be presented with a list of all the vendors that are used on your proposal. Select the vendor group that you want to apply a discount to. After selecting the vendor, any discounts that can be applied to this proposal will be presented to you so you can select the discount to apply. After your have selected the discount, click on the Update button and your discount will be applied to the vendor's products on this proposal.
GP Margins This options allows you to add or change the GP % on the line items you have selected. You can enter a GP percentage of a percentage off of list. Click on the Update button and the selected line items will be updated.
Round Sell Price Up This option allows you to round the sell prices up on the selected line items. Using this option will round the selected line items sell pricing up to the whole dollar amount. If you want to reverse the rounding, you must enter the original GP percentage or Percentage off of List on the line items.
Round Sell Price Down This option allows you to round the sell prices down on the selected line items. Using this option will round the selected line items sell pricing down to the whole dollar amount. If you want to reverse the rounding, you must enter the original GP percentage or Percentage off of List on the line items.
Update Items to Zero Sell You can force the sell price to zero on the selected line items with this option. To reverse this function, enter the original GP percentage or Percentage off of List on the line items.
Update Items to Zero Cost This option will change the selected line items cost to zero. To reverse this function, enter the original buy discount percentage.
Adjust List Pricing This option allows you to modify the list pricing by a percentage amount. You can enter a positive amount to increase the list pricing or you can enter a negative amount to decrease the list pricing on the selected line items.
Change Shipping Location This option allows you to change the Shipping Location on the selected line items.
Add Tagging Information This option allows you to add tagging information to the selected line items. You can enter up to 3 tag fields.
Smart Grouping This function will automatically group your line items by the information found in the Tag 1 tag field. You can un-check any of the tag names to prevent that group from being created. If the group already exists, the line items matching that tag will be added to that group. The groups will be automatically created for you on your proposal using the Tag 1 data as the group name.
Add Proposal Fee This function allows for a line item to be added to proposals that can be calculated on the Total List, Totals Cost or Total Sell of selected line items on the proposal. A flat dollar amount can be entered as well. This option can be used for calculating vendor fees such as electronic procurement fees or Industrial Funding Fees. This can also be used to charge customers a fee.

Working with line items Right Mouse Click Options

Proposal Line items can be manipulated by using a right mouse click on the line item. The Line Move menu will appear. Depending on where the line items exists on your proposal will determine the line move options you see. If you have right clicked on the first line item on your proposal, you will not see the 'Move up' option. You can move line items (each line may be moved either up or down one line or to the top or to the bottom) or you can move groups in the same manner.

Image ProposalsLineMoveMenu.JPG

Option Description
Copy as a new line item This option will open the View & Edit Line Item window allowing you to make any necessary changes before saving the item as a new line in your proposal. You can also define where the line should be saved on your proposal by selecting an insert location on the Save button options.
Move to top This option will move your line item to the top of your proposal
Move up This option will move your line item up one line
Move down This option will move your line item down one line
Move to bottom This option will move your line item to the bottom of your proposal
Move group to top This option will move the entire group to the top of your proposal
Move group up This option will move your group up one group
Move group down This option will move your group down on group
Move group to bottom This option will move your group to the bottom of your proposal

Moving line items via Save button

Line items can be moved to any location in your proposal by editing the line item, then selecting an option as to where the line item is to be saved. If this is your first line item on the proposal, the 'Save and insert' option is not available. Only the Save button is available.

The line item Save button options allow you to save your proposal lin items anywhere on your proposal.

Image ProposalsLineMoveSave.JPG

Importing Items into a Proposal

There are three ways to populate your proposals with line items. Lines can be added manually, imported from a specification file and copied from another proposal. Any combination of these methods can be used on any proposal.

Your proposal line items can be created by importing a specification file from CAP, Worksheet or Project Matrix.

If you are using a specification tool not named here, please contact DealerChoice Support (support@dc-sysllc.com) and tell them what spec tool you are using. You will be contacted for information regarding your spec tool and tests will be run to verify the accuracy of importing spec files from your application.

Imported line items appear as proposal line items on the Item Details window. If customer or vendor discounting has been defined in the customer or vendor database, product discounting may be applied automatically to your line items during the import process. Your proposal must be created and saved before you can import specification files to create line items. The import process begins on the Item Details tab.

Specification tools allow you to export your projects using different export formats to allow you to import your line items into DealerChoice. Contact DealerChoice Support (support@dc-sysllc.com) if you have questions on which export format to use for your application.

Most specification tools allow you to export your project files in multiple formats. The two primary export formats are XML and SIF. After exporting your project data to either an XML file or a SIF file and saving the file to a local disk drive, you can import that file to create your proposal line items.

Image ProposalsImport.JPG

Option Description
OFDA XML (version 2.0 or higher) Use this option to import spec files that were exported using the OFDA XML option
Express XML (DesignExpress) Use this option if you exported your spec file from Design Express
SIF Use this option for most SIF file exports
ProjectMatrix SIF (Customer SIF) Use this option if you exported your project using the ProjectMatrix Custom SIF option
Another Proposal Use this option to copy lines from an existing proposal

After selecting your import format, use the Browse button to locate the specification file on your local disk drive.
Select the file that you want to import into the proposal. After selecting your import file, the Import Preview window will open displaying the contents of the file you selected. The Import Preview allows you to verify that this is the file you want to import before you complete the import process.

Image ProposalsImportPreview.JPG

If this is the file you that you want to import into this proposal, click on the Complete Import button and your line items will be imported into the proposal and will appear as line items on the Item Details tab. If you have selected the incorrect spec file to import, you can click on the Select Import File tab and select a different file to import.

The Existing Line Items tab displays the line items that are on your proposal before you import the current spec file. If you select any of the existing line items on this tab, they will be overwritten by the lines that you are about to import on the Import Preview window.

Image ProposalsImportItemsDetail.JPG

Your line items have been imported into your proposal. If customer or vendor discounts have been defined and match the product being imported, the discount will be applied to your proposal during the import process. You can now make any necessary adjustments or modifications to your proposal via the Function menu or line item editing.

There is no limit to the number of spec files that you can import into a single proposal. You can also manually add lines to your proposal and/or copy lines from other proposals either before or after importing specification files.

Before you can print, email or fax a copy of your proposal, your must run the proposal finalization process. You cannot generate purchase orders if your proposal has not been finalized.

Proposal Finalization

The proposal finalization process is your last step in preparing your proposals before presenting them to your customers. The finalization process checks your proposals for discounting conflicts, missing Ship To information, incomplete item specification, missing Install Location information as well as presenting vendor miscellaneous charges such as freight and small order charges. If finalization identifies a problem it will be presented in the finalization window and you will be allowed to edit or add the missing data.

Conflicts or missing data do not prevent you from completing the finalization process. The warnings are presented to be sure that you are aware that potential problems exist on your proposal. There are cases where the warnings may not apply or may be ignored such as budgetary pricing estimates.

Applying Sales Tax

Sales tax rules are also applied to your proposal during the finalization process. Sales tax is based on the Install Location information entered on the Install tab. If you do not have an Install Location defined for your proposal, you will not be presented with the sales tax rules selection option and your proposal will not include sales tax.

To start the proposal finalization process, click on the proposal finalization icon on the Item Details tab.

The finalization process will review your proposal checking for missing data such as the Ship To location and the Install Location and will notify you of such omissions. You have the option of continuing with the finalization process by completing the missing information or cancelling the process and reviewing your proposal again.

Image ProposalsFinalizationOne.JPG

In this example, a purchase discount was manually entered on the line item displayed and the system found a Customer or Vendor discount that may apply to this line item. This does not mean that the discounting entered manually is wrong, this is simply a warning that another discount exists and may be applicable. After reviewing the line item for accuracy, you may choose to ignore the warning or you may have to update the discounting on the line item. The warning can be ignored by un-checking the Discount Expected check box. If left checked, DealerChoice will change the discount to the "expected" discount for this line item.

Note that in the Discount Conflicts title bar there is an [uncheck all] link that will remove the check marks from all discounting conflicts presented. If you have received special pricing and you know that you have used the correct discounting you can over-ride the systems recommendation by leaving your discounting in place.

This example also shows the sales tax rules options. Again, the sales tax rules are based on the Install Location as defined on the Install tab of your proposal.

You can click on the '<-- Back' link to discontinue the finalization process and return to the Item Details tab or you can click on the Finalize button to proceed.

Image ProposalsFinalizationTwo.JPG

This example shows two vendor charges that are defined in the vendor database for this vendor. The rule being applied is detailed under the rule type and the amount of the fee is presented to you. You can edit the Sell amount with a specific dollar amount or you can use the [GP margin] calculator to add a GP percentage to the fee. If these fees are left checked in the finalization window, these fees will be automatically added to your proposal as additional line items. These line items can be edited from the Item Details tab if you do not change the sell pricing in the finalization window.

If you edit a line item on your proposal that was not added by the finalization process, your proposal will revert back to an un-finalized status and the line items that may have been added by the finalization process will be automatically removed. Since you have edited a line item, the proposal must be evaluated again to see if the vendor charges and fees are applicable or not. For example if you changed a quantity on a line item from 100 to 10 because of a typing mistake, a small order fee that was not applicable before may apply now. The finalization process will capture this extra cost and allow you to include it on your proposal.

Image ProposalsFinalizationComplete.JPG

If no issues are identified with your proposal you will see a clean finalization window as shown above. You can select the applicable tax rules and click on the Finalize button to complete the process and you will be returned to the Item Details tab.

Image ProposalsFinalizedItemDetails.JPG

After finalization you have additional icons available on the Item Details tab.

The Finalization icon has changed to the 'Un-finalize this proposal' and you now have a new icon to print the proposal and one for the email and fax terminal.

Proposal Printing

To to select your proposal print options and to preview your proposal, click on the Printer icon in the Item Details tab. This will open the Proposal Print options window.

Image ProposalsPrintOptions.JPG

Proposal Print Options Description
Print Prefs If print preferences have been saved, the title of your saved print preferences will appear in this list. Selecting a saved print preference eliminates having to select specific print options. You can select a set of print options and save the settings (see Save Print Preferences). Then you can use the saved print preferences to print your document by selecting a saved print preferences option instead of have to modify your default set of print options.
Company Logo If you have uploaded multiple company logos, you will be able to select which logo is to appear on your document. To change logo's, select the appropriate logo from the drop down selection list. Company logo's are uploaded in System Configuration. There is no limit on the number of logos you can upload.
Print Logo? Even if you have a logo selected, you can choose to have the logo print (or not) by selecting this check box. If the box is checked, your logo will print, if not checked, your logo will not print.
General Print Fields Description
Print Logo on First page Only If selected, your company logo will appear on the first page only of your proposal
Proposal Description If selected, the proposal description will appear on your proposal
Proposal Totals If selected, sell pricing totals will appear on your proposal
Group Totals If selected and if you have groups defined on your proposal, each group will appear with a subtotal amount
Page Break After Groups If selected, a page break (new page) will be inserted after a proposal group has printed
Group Summary If selected, a subtotal amount for each group will appear at the end of your proposal
Tax Amount Due If selected, the sales tax amount will appear on your proposal in the Totals section
Deposit Requirements If selected, the deposit request text will appear at the bottom of your proposal
Propose To If selected, the Propose To information from the Project Info tab will appear on your proposal
Customer Contact If selected, the Customer Contact from the Project Info tab will appear on your proposal
Shipping Location If selected, the Shipping Location from the Install tab will appear in your proposal
Installation Location If selected, the Installation Location from the Install tab will appear on your proposal
Proposal valid Thru Date If selected, the Expiration date from the Project Info tab will appear on your proposal
Panel Attribute Details If selected, Teknion panel attributes will be displayed in detail on your proposal
Company Contact Details in Footer If selected, your company address information from System Configuration will appear in the footer of your proposal
Sales Rep Contact Phone If selected and if this information has been added to the User's definition in System Configuration, this information will appear in the header of your proposal
Sales Rep Contact Fax If selected and if this information has been added to the User's definition in System Configuration, this information will appear in the header of your proposal
Sales Rep Contact Email If selected and if this information has been added to the User's definition in System Configuration, this information will appear in the header of your proposal
Hide PO Instructions If Selected and if the proposal is set as a Direct order type on the Project Info tab, the purchase order instructions to your customer will not be displayed
Customer PO If selected and if the Customer PO field on the Project Info tab has been completed, the Customers PO number will appear on your proposal
Display Sub Totals If selected and if Products and Services have been defined as Sub Total fields in System Configuration, then the appropriate sub total fields will appear at the bottom of your proposal.
Line Item Print Fields Description
Line Numbers If selected, the proposal line items will be numbered
Vendor Name If selected, the Vendor Name will appear for each line item
Product Name If selected, the Product Name will appear for each line item
Item Number If selected, the item number (product code, part number) will appear for each line item
Item Description If selected, the item description will appear for each line item
Item Quantity If selected, the item quantity will appear for each line item
Item List Pricing If selected, the item list price will appear for each line item
Extended List Pricing If selected, the extended list price for each line item will appear
Item Sell If selected, the item sell price will appear for each line item
Extended Sell If selected, the extended sell price will appear for each line item
Item Tagging If selected and if item tags are in use, the tagging information will appear for tagged line items
Item Finishes & Options If selected, the finishes and options for line items that have been imported via a specification file will appear
Zero Sell Items If selected, line items with a zero sell price will appear
Buy Discounting If selected, the buy discounting will appear for each line item
GP Margin If selected, the GP margin will appear for each line item
Customer Discounting If selected, the discounting used to calculate the sell price will appear
Item Special If selected and if the item special flag exists for an imported line item, the item special code will appear
Item Cost If selected, the item cost will appear for each line item
Extended Cost If selected, the extended item cost will appear for each line item
Print lines that are Not Booked If selected, only the line items that are not on a purchase order will appear
Print lines that are Booked But Not Invoiced If selected, line items that are on a purchase order and not on an invoice will appear
Print lines that are Invoiced If selected, only line items that have been invoiced will appear
Proposal Details Description
Print Line Item Details If selected, the line item details will appear
Print Summarized by Group If selected, line item details will not appear on your proposal. If no groups are defined, only the proposal totals will appear
Display Pricing in Currency Description
Currency Selection If multiple currencies have been defined in your site, you can select the default currency for your site
Proposal Print Options Description
Proposal Date You can change the date to appear in the proposal header by changing the date in this field
Proposal Footer Message The default proposal footer message is defined in System Configuration and will appear here. You can add information to the proposal footer message by adding your text here.
Save These Print Preferences This option allows you to save your selected print preferences.

Saving Proposal Print Preferences

The Saving Proposal Print Preferences function was created to allow you to save a set of proposal print options that may be different from your normal proposal print option needs. Proposal Print Preferences can be shared so everyone in your company can use it.

Image ProposalsSavePrintPrefs.JPG

To save a set of proposal print preferences, click on the 'Save These Print Preferences?' check box and you will be presented with a text input box to enter a name for your print preferences. This may be customer specific so you could name it using the customers name. Any future proposals for that customer will be printed using this set of saved print preferences. If you want your print preferences to be available to everyone, check the 'Make these public?' check box. When this box is checked, everyone in your company will be able to select this saved print preference option.

Image ProposalsSavePrintPrefs2.JPG

The example above shows a set of print options being saved as Customers Proposal and it has been set as a public (shared) print option.

Image ProposalsSavePrintPrefs3.JPG

After printing then proposal you will now have a new Print Preference to choose from when you print proposals. As you can see in the example above, the proposal print option called 'Customers Proposal' is available to be used for printing proposals. Once a saved print preference is selected, the Proposal Print Options window changes so other options cannot be selected. If you wish to select your own print preferences, simply choose the 'Select my print options below' option and you can continue to select the options you want n your proposal.

Also notice the a red x icon appears to the right of the saved print preference. This is the delete icon and it is only presented to the user that created it so only that user can delete their own print preferences. The ability to edit/save print preferences is managed by permissions so only the users that have permission can create and edit saved print preferences. To delete a saved print preference you must select it from the list first, then click on the delete icon and your saved print preference will be deleted.

Image ProposalsSavePrintPrefs4.JPG

Marking the saved print preference as public allows the print preference to be used by others. It will appear in every users Saved Print Prefs drop down selection box.

Email and Fax Terminal

The Email and Fax terminal allows you to transmit documents to your customers and vendors. You must have completed the proposal finalization process before your can use the email and fax terminal. The email and fax terminal icon does not appear on the Item Details tab until you have completed the finalization process. To open the email and fax terminal, click on the Email and Fax icon on the Item Details tab.

If your message fails to send and DealerChoice can determine that your message failed, you will get a message in your DealerChoice message queue alerting you that the message was not sent. Some mail servers and fax machines do not report failures. It is highly recommended that when emailing a document, you include your own email address in the Recipient list so if you do not receive it, there is a very good chance that the intended recipient did not receive it either. If you are faxing a document, it is highly recommended that you follow up with the recipient to be sure that they have received your fax message.

When you "Send" your message by clicking on the Send button, your message is placed in the message queue. You can check on the status of your message by clicking on the Message Log tab. The message queue is processed approximately every 10 minutes by DealerChoice. You have the option of removing your message from the message queue up to the time that the system starts to process your message.

Image ProposalsEmailTerm.JPG

Email Options Description
Message Type You can choose to send an email or fax message. The email input windows options are defined here
Document selection As you create documents (proposals, purchase orders, invoices, etc) they will appear under the Message Type selection field. Any document that is selected will be transmitted to the recipient
Recipient Email Enter the email address of the person or persons you wish to send the document to. You can enter multiple email addresses just be sure to enter each address on a separate line
[search] The search option allows you to search through all the contacts you have entered email addresses for into DealerChoice. Type the first few letters of the persons first name and any matches found in the contacts database will be displayed, click on an entry in the list to select that person
Subject Enter the subject line for your email
Message Body Enter the message text for your email
Attachments From File Vault If you have uploaded any documents into this proposals File Vault, they will be displayed here for selection as attachments to your email message. To include multiple documents, hold the CTRL key and click on the documents.
Send Click on the Send button to place your email in the message queue to be processed by the message processor

Image ProposalsFaxTerm.JPG

Fax Options Description
Message Type You can choose to send an email or fax message. The fax input windows options are defined here
Document selection As you create documents (proposals, purchase orders, invoices, etc) they will appear under the Message Type selection field. Any document that is selected will be transmitted to the recipient
To Enter the name of the person you wish to send the document to.
[search] The search option allows you to search through all the contacts you have entered fax numbers for into DealerChoice. Type the first few letters of the persons first name and any matches found in the contacts database will be displayed, click on an entry in the list to select that person
Fax If you have selected a name from the search option, the fax number will be populated for you, otherwise you can enter the fax number to send the fax to
From Your name will be populated in this field for you.
Date Today's date will be populated in this field.
Re: Enter the reason for your fax
Attachments From File Vault If you have uploaded any documents into this proposals File Vault, they will be displayed here for selection as attachments to your fax message. To include multiple documents, hold the CTRL key and click on the documents.
Send Click on the Send button to place your fax in the message queue to be processed by the message processor

Message Log Tab

The message log tab will display all messages that have been sent on this proposal. The messages appear in datestamp order and the most recent message will appear at the top of the list. All messages queued will have a status of 'Pending' until they begin to be processed by the message processor. The status will change to 'Processing'. After the message has been processed, the status will change to 'Sent' or 'Failed'. Messages can be removed from the queue up until they begin being processed by the message queue.

Image ProposalsMessageLogTab.JPG

Message Log Field Description
Type The Type field notes whether the message was emailed or faxed
TimeStamp This field notes the date and time the message was sent to the message queue
Recipient This field displays either the email address or fax number of the recipient of the message
Subject This field displays the subject of your message
Status As noted above, the status can be 'Pending', 'Processing', 'Sent' or 'Failed'
Remove from queue icon This icon allows you to remove a message that is still in the 'Pending' status from the message queue. Once processing of the message begins, the message cannot be removed from the queue
7.5. Item Details Tab
7. Proposals
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7.6. Purchase Orders Tab